bikes, blogs, and being behind a lens

Thanks for checking out my hobby site. In short, I like to wrench on bikes, then ride the bikes, then take pictures of things… like bikes! Don’t worry though, not all my photos are of motorcycles. I also like to to shoot my surroundings, mostly landscapes of my local scenery and capturing great views during many camping trips and hikes.

Please take a look around! Hope you like what you see.
Sincerely, Alex

check out the blog

Don’t worry. This blog isn’t about my everyday life, like what shape I saw in the clouds overhead or what I ate for breakfast. These posts are specific to my current fleet of two-wheeled objects: what I’ve done to them, how I feel about them, experiences I’ve had around them. If you’re into the technical you should enjoy these.

most recent posts

the new bike! – 2022 Honda CRF450RL

I wonder if anyone that watches the youtube videos I make read this… I doubt it but if they do they’ll get the inside scoop.……

the grom build – top end rebuild

That’s right, it’s top end time! I finally hit my 20,000 mile goal, which is when I told myself I would tackle the top end……

the benelli build – cam and reflash

Deja vu? Nope, doing the exact same thing to the Benelli that I did to the Grom almost exactly one year later. DCR provides a……

photos, equipment, and more

Like photos or nerding out about camera gear? Check out some of my favorite shots over the years as well as a snapshot of what equipment sits on my shelf.



gear archive


the latest videos

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